You are a unique soul.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken”

— Oscar Wilde

This Oscar Wilde quote has been a guiding light for me for many years.

Here's the thing...

You're a unique soul. You've never been born before, and you'll never be born again. Not like you are in this moment. Not with the body that houses your unique soul, not with the desires and dreams that light up your heart, not with the same loved ones with whom you're in relationship with, not in the city you call home and bobble around in, not with the service you're here to provide the world at this very moment.

Yet I bet, either some time today or at least in the past week, you've looked outside of yourself to bring happiness and fulfilment to your unique soul. The soul that is begging for you to bring your attention back home, to do some clearing and tidying, to allow the fullest expression of you to be realised before you go back outside to play.

Self-realisation is defined as the act of realising all of the possibilities of your character and your abilities. This is not a is a must. The better you know every corner of yourself - the dark and dim ones, and the bright and luminous ones - the more access you'll be granted to the sacredness of life. 

If you agree that the better you know the phone you use, the car you drive, the person you're in relationship with, even the people you work with, that the better you can handle/use/know that or them and its/their full spectrum of functions...then it is no different when it comes to knowing you.

Meditate. Take care of your body. Banish negativity. Heal generational trauma. Connect with nature. Know that you are nature.

When you do, the playground will be way more fun. I promise!

Shared with love and a smile,
Natasha x


The illusion of time


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