You are the difference.

Close your eyes to transform the way you see the world with your eyes open.

Expand your self-awareness. Dissolve stress. Reveal more of you.

When we combine expanding our self awareness with the removal of stress what we do is that we create a level of vitality and clarity in our system that empowers us to redirect our lives in ways we want them to go.

We start claiming our life back from the negative impacts of stress, and start leading our life from a place of creative desire from what we actually want to experience in our life.


Vedic Meditation - ancient technology for modern day lives.

Benefits of Vedic Meditation, and of introducing a meditation practice to your day:

  • Effortless technique

  • Anyone can learn it – no previous experience required

  • Causes deep rest, recovery from fatigue, stress and overwhelm

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Improved sleep

  • Greater success in daily life - when your mind is calm and clear, this leads to improved decision making, productivity, and success

  • Increases present moment awareness

  • Increases self-confidence

  • Improved mental clarity

  • Improved eating habits

  • Increases your capacity to meet challenges and demands with a creative perspective rather than being reactive

  • Makes you more adaptable to unmet expectations

  • You’re more easily able to recover from unmet expectations

  • Enables you to embrace the reality of what’s going on more easily

  • Reveals more of your unique talents and gifts, allowing more flow and abundance into your life


Meditation anywhere, anytime.

Vedic Meditation is:

  • Great for all levels of experience in meditation

  • Simple to learn, effortless to practice

  • Easy to make into a daily habit on your own

  • Perfect for people who believe they could never meditate because they are restless and can't calm their mind

  • Perfect for people with busy lives - why Vedic Meditation is also known as the ‘householder technique’ and practiced by CEOs, professional sportspeople, parents, entrepreneurs, and everyone in between!

  • Easy and effortless - requires no strain, focus or control

  • Mobile - can be done anywhere, anytime.


About the course.

Natasha’s four session Vedic Meditation Course is delivered over a weekend, evoking a mini retreat style setting, for up to five students.

Day 1 - Saturday: Session 1 & 2
Day 2 - Sunday: Session 3 & 4

In between each session we will commune and connect over a delicious wholesome lunch.

There is also the option to take the course over four consecutive days (1 x 90min session on each day). This option excludes lunch but will include light snacks, and tea.

Session One
In your first session you will witness a short ceremony of gratitude to the lineage from which the Vedic wisdom flows, opening up the space for us to connect over the next few sessions as you prepare to practice Vedic Meditation, and receive the knowledge that’s to come! You will receive your personal mantra, practice your very first Vedic Meditation with your group, as well as learn about the basic functions of your new technique.

Session Two
During your second session, we will take a deeper dive into the mechanics of the Vedic Meditation technique, how this impacts the mind and its functions for optimal performance, and discuss best practice guidelines to support you in integrating this technique in your daily life. You will also meditate again together with your group.

Session Three
During your third session, we will learn about the mechanics of stress and how stress and fatigue becomes lodged in the body, and what happens when we both do and don’t actively practice techniques (such as Vedic Meditation!) to relieve our bodies of this stress and fatigue. You will also meditate again together with your group and have the opportunity to check your personal mantra.

Session Four
In your final session, you will take a deep dive into understanding the seven states of consciousness, and how the the practice of Vedic Meditation is the vehicle for experiencing more of these states of consciousness, more often. You will also learn how the consistent practice of Vedic Meditation starts to reveal its benefits in your eyes open state in daily life (i.e. all the time we aren’t in meditation!). You will also meditate again together with your group and have the opportunity to check your personal mantra.

By the end of the course, you will have gained not only expert guidance on a simple yet profound technique steeped in ancient wisdom, but the knowledge through your direct experience with the technique, as well as the course content. Oh, and a new community of like hearted friends!
Once you've completed the course you will have ongoing contact with Natasha to guide you where and however you need, as well as free weekly online group meditation sessions where you can practice with Natasha and other students, as well as receive knowledge and wisdom to keep you connected with your practice.

All students who complete the four session course also have lifetime access to re-sitting the course for free, at any time in the future.

After learning Vedic Meditation and with consistent daily practice, you will also have the option to learn advanced techniques with Natasha further evolving your journey with Vedic Meditation.

“ The course was such a beautiful experience, I was completely surprised by how much I would engage with the course and instantly felt I wanted to learn more and incorporate it into my everyday life. Natasha is a very engaged and knowledgeable instructor, she naturally created a space that was inviting & wanting you to learn and connect more with others and yourself. I highly recommend the course if you are interested in wanting to explore meditation and incorporating it into your life. It is more than just a course on how to meditate, it was a wonderful experience.”

— Zoe