The hidden gem quality that changes everything…
“The rarest of human qualities is consistency.”
— Jeremy Bentham
sa tu dirghakala nairantarya satkarasevito drdhabhumih
Practice that is done for a long time, without break and with sincere devotion becomes a firmly rooted, stable, and solid foundation.
Sutra 1.14
Want to know the real "secret"?
Here it is.
And of course, it's the rarest quality a human exhibits - consistency.
Basically what this sutra is saying is that you can't commit to one or a few yoga classes and consider your "work" done, or learn to meditate, do it for a week or two, then come and tell me your mantra doesn't work! Perhaps we start a practice in one of the above then something comes in that steals our attention or triggers us, and we break the habit. Maybe we stop drinking alcohol then an emotional setback forces you to reach for a drink. Someone passes their anger to you on the road and you feel the anger rise and take over your own body and mind.
Habits are a lifelong practice of establishing who we really are...they are so deeply engrained in us.If you want to truly transform your reality, consistency is where it's at my friends. It means constantly choosing to apply the practice instead of letting it go when the seas become choppy.
Practice that enlivening habit (meditation, yoga, sobriety - whatever it is!) with deep respect, and love (not duty!). Remember it is a lifelong practice, and you must be consistent about it.
The mind will give us a million excuses and perform exquisite trickery as to why you shouldn't do that thing that will bring more light into your life. You are simply being presented with a choice in every one of these moments - evolve, or repeat?
Shared with love and a smile,
Natasha x