No greater illusion
“There is no illusion greater than fear.”
What do you fear?
Much like stress, fear is an internally referenced phenomenon.
Some like to call it...
I do like this, because really the only person that exists inside our minds is ourselves. It's that old guy 'the ego' at play, with the big, capital 'S' Self (aka what we really are, our natural intelligence), being left in the shadows.
Without going into a pep talk and encouraging you to Face Everything And Rise, today I'd like to propose that all fear is fear of death. We have this life in our bodies which we know is going to end some day. We know that our physical bodies don't last forever.
This is a good thing though because I think if we knew we'd be around forever and ever and ever we could just sit back and let life roll on without any real desire or need to get anything done. The bucket list suddenly becomes obsolete. Maybe you'd think to yourself, why do something today when I have forever and ever?
But back to all fear being fear of death. Say for example, you are worried or fearful of losing your job. You fear losing your job because then you won't have an income. When you don't have an income, you can't pay for your living expenses. When you can't pay for your living expenses, you might lose your home or not be able to pay rent. When you lose your home you might be left homeless. When you are left homeless you can't afford to look after your health and eat well, and you become sick. If you become sick, then you might die.
I can bet that any fear that is holding you back right now can be traced down to fear of death.
Maybe, today, you can begin to do all things from an intention of hope and love, instead of fear.
Written with love,