The fruit tree
“When the mind is attuned to the cosmic law, all the laws of nature are in perfect harmony with the aspirations of the mind.”
The internet sure is an interesting 'place'.
Each week I look for a quote to include in with my message. As I was looking this week, on the very same page appears,
"you are not your thoughts"
"your thoughts are your reality"
Gosh, what a way to confuse a person!
Although I will side with the first of the above two phrases about thoughts, I wanted to share 'the fruit tree' with you.
Our thoughts and our mind might have a certain ‘flavour’ (this is after all, what makes us unique), but as one of my teachers has once described, our thoughts are like fruit on a fruit tree.
The fruit (let’s call it an apple) will grow and have a unique flavour, taste and texture. At some point though, the apple falls off the tree, and is no longer of the tree. It becomes separate from the tree itself. That is pretty much what your thoughts are. Like fruit on a fruit tree.
The apples are not the tree, but of the tree.
Thoughts are of the mind, but aren’t the mind.
Thoughts come from you, but aren't you.
Thoughts give us insight, but when one is in greater awareness and evolved consciousness, they provide cosmically supported insight.
If it is juicier and tastier fruit you desire: water, and look after the tree.
Written with love,