Don’t look outside
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
We like to look outside...quite a lot, it seems.
This would be ok, if we simply took what inspired us and empowered us, and with the desire to improve.
Looking outside of ourselves becomes problematic when it becomes about what he or she 'has got'...which we don't have.
She has the body I want. He has the car I want.
She has the clothes I want. He has the watch I want.
She has the number of Instagram followers I want. He has the income I want.
She has the voice I want. He has the charm I want.
You risk taker, you. You've dared to compare and now look at how you feel?
If I was a betting type of girl I'd put all my money on you feeling rather shit-house after comparing yourself to another.
So, why do we do this?
At the core of most of our problems is fear and insecurity. We tend to focus on our thoughts and shortcomings before we focus on what we're good at.
We also benchmark our success by comparing the length of our string to the string of another. We want to see how we measure looking outside of ourselves. And usually, it's because we don't feel confident in the path we've chosen.
We will keep feeling inadequate if we keep comparing ourselves to another, that's a fact. We've been conditioned that success looks a certain way and the age of social media and 'highlight reels' don't help these emotions, either.
Until we recognise and fully accept that our fulfilment comes within, we will continually look outside for the answers. Contentment and fulfilment comes from an expanded self-awareness, fine tuned intuition, and knowing that you already have all the answers.
Written with love,