Creation, maintenance, destruction
“The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”
Everything is consciousness.
This means everything goes through a cycle of creation, maintenance and dissolution (or destruction).
Everything, from our physical body, to our creative pursuits, to businesses, to our relationships, to our thoughts. Same goes for nature...from the growth of a plant or tree, to watching a wave form, peak and then crash and dissolve back into the vastness of the ocean. Look around you. Look outside.
Nothing is exempt from the cycle of creation, maintenance and dissolution (or destruction).
I use the two words of dissolution and destruction, as one is far more powerful and remarkable than the other. I like to think of a relationship (especially long term romantic ones) when it comes to distinguishing whether we experience dissolution, or destruction.
As awareness grows in an individual, shifting preferences, choices and charm, this can change a dynamic in a relationship with another human being. It's all too common in our time to see a sudden end or destructive nature take force when one's goals and dreams don't fall in line with the person they're in a relationship with.
In a conscious relationship where two individuals have established being and awareness, this shift within each individual will of course be present (such as a shift in goals, likes, dislikes). Although instead of a destructive force ending that relationship (this happens in a relationship where self awareness is low and there's been a significant level of ignoring - ignorance - happening), there will rather be a dissolution of the old ways of relating and a new set of ways and new life breathed into the relationship between these two individuals...meaning something new has been created between the couple.
Because a relationship (whether romantic or otherwise), holds a life of its own and is a separate entity to the two individuals who've entered the relationship. This entity requires intention, and attention from both parties to be maintained (i.e. it needs 'feeding'!).
So keeping this example in mind, can you see how everything with a life of its own (including a relationship entity), is always in a cycle of creation, maintenance, and dissolution?
Can you see how the importance of letting go, surrendering, and allowing this natural cycle of creation, maintenance and dissolution to take effect, is important in order for the upgrading and the evolution of all things...including yourself?
When someone is established in being they are more privy to following charm of an evolutionary nature. And when one does follow whatever is charming, surrender becomes a by-product rather than a goal. (Yes, you guessed it, one's awareness in being is cultivated through a daily meditation practice).
The path of least resistance, is the ultimate path.
Whether you've got a daily meditation practice or not I'd like to ask you...what can you let go of, what can you allow to dissolve, in order to experience your life on a new level?
What needs to dissolve, in order for something new to be created?
Written with love,