Experience first, knowledge second
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
We just love to know things, don't we?
We want to know how things work. We want to know why 'that' is good for us. We want to know why 'that' is bad for us.
We want to know where 'that information' came from.
We want to know how things are going to pan out.
There's an ancient saying:
"Experience first, knowledge second".
In the West though, it's more like "knowledge first, experience second".
Now don't get me wrong, it's great to know how things work. It's great to know why something is good for us, or not good for us. Knowledge does impart a level of empowerment to drive informed choices.
The thing about knowledge is though, that we rely on it just that bit too much.
We rely on someone else's flow of wisdom, over and above our own.
You see, wisdom is our power. Wisdom lies within all of us.
Wisdom is the way in which we deliver love to everything we direct our intention to, and that we place our attention on.
And love my friends, is our deepest nature.
Next time you find yourself looking outside for the answers, looking for the need to know...remember that wisdom already knows.
Or does it?
Written with love,