Taking things personally?
“People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.”
It seems to me, that humans are ones to take things personally.
A human says something to you, or about you - and you can think about it for hours, days or heaven forbid, YEARS.
Another human does something that you most certainly, in fact 100 per cent know, that they did just in order to make you feel like the scum of the earth.
It seems to me, that (the majority of) the human race, unbeknownst to them, are very good at a sport called 'taking things personally'.
I'll let you in on something...nothing, I repeat NOTHING, is personal.
So why are we so very good at taking things personally?
Because we walk around with rule books. These rule books list all of the ways we feel others should behave in order to make our own experience of life smooth, and to our liking. The moment someone disobeys our rules, every part of us reacts.
Our physical body tightens. Our minds start making up stories. We start assuming.
And to think, these rule books we have can get so big and heavy, they are weighing us down in every which way possible.
And it's exactly that. They weigh US down, not 'them'.
When we expand our awareness in being, our rule books begin to lighten. We stop tightening, closing and restricting, and instead we begin to be more open, accepting, fluid and graceful.
We surrender to all that is, and isn't, because we begin to remember our true nature - love.
Rule books are ammunition to our happiness. Is it time to edit - or even better, destroy - your rule book?
Written with love,