Join Natasha for a free introductory talk about meditation, the nature of the mind, redefining wellbeing and why we need to start dissolving stress with a daily meditation practice.
Natasha will share more about the technique which she teaches - one that is effortless in its practice and actually cultivates greater self awareness and causes a profound state of deep rest that removes the stress in our system.
During this 1-hour session you will:
Hear about a new way of understanding stress
Learn about the nature of the mind
Learn why we need to redefine wellbeing, and how we actually achieve true wellbeing
Learn the difference between different types of meditation
Learn more about the meditation technique Natasha teaches.
When we combine expanding our self awareness with the removal of stress what we do is that we create a level of vitality and clarity in our system that empowers us to redirect our lives in ways we want them to go. We start claiming our life back from the negative impacts of stress, and start leading our life from a place of creative desire from what we actually want to experience in our life.
Natasha will share more about her upcoming Learn to Meditate course on 12-14 March 2021 at Willow Urban Retreat in Armadale.